We’re not like other consultancies. We listen and offer creative and dynamic ways of solving the challenges you may have. We are all about using visuals, interactive PROCESSES so that people can contribute in the safest way

A Friendly Check-In

We’re all about providing the right level of support your company needs

Let’s talk through a friendly chat over the phone, or over a coffee what are the concerns for your company. We offer a full palette of audit services from documentation review to deep organisational dives including focus groups and qualitative research, where we can identify the gaps, draft a diversity tactical roadmap with your D&I priorities, highlight your strengths, best practice, and help you plan your next steps.


Build your culture the way you want it to be

You may already know where your company is at and what you need is to spring into action. We got you. We provide you a set of practical tools and a sustainable action plan to build confidence in managing D&I issues and ‘walk the talk’ for diversity. Participants will be able to identify and prevent issues, plan strategically, handle crises and defuse difficult behaviours. These include:

  • Inclusivity Leadership Masterclass
  • Crisis Prevention and Conflict Management
  • Public image: How to be an inclusive brand or avoid a PR disaster… or overcome it?
  • Diversify your Workplace: figures & company culture
  • Executive lunch briefings, culture decoders and concise explainers: what is BLM? MeToo?
  • We can also provide them online


Manage your image

Do you need a video or a social media advert that reflects your company culture? A strong message to deliver? Some of our videos have achieved virality with more than 500k cross-platform views. Whether you need a visual affirmation of your image or something more impactful and experimental, our 14 years of experience in content creation have the solution.


Let our experts do the job for you

Speaking publicly about Diversity and Inclusion can be difficult and need to be handled sensitively. We’re here to provide speakers who can handle it.


Enjoy the best design and functions combined together

Set out for a challenge through a unique activity day or weekend spiced with our very own coaching solutions

  • Gender pay gap/Race pay gap reporting
  • Network enhancement
  • Talent Mapping
  • Supplier diversity
  • Bullying and Harassment
  • Customer Experience
  • Brand Identity and public engagement
  • Complaints Management
  • Compliance with equality legislation
  • Multi-nationals: make your material relevant to local businesses
  • Support to develop well mental health and well-being frameworks
  • Recruitment, selection, retention, compensation and career progression